Planet Earth is Blue

As I look at the twenty-four posts I’ve made this summer I think about what kind of effect my posts have had on me, my classmates, outside individuals, and the university. It's a blog that focused around the adventures of space and design, I tried to write posts related to topics that interested me and the things happening in class eme6414, Web 2.0. Over the course of the semester, I have been introduced to many social media tools. Some of which I will continue to use and others I might try in the future. I have grown as an individual and I am more confident that I can foster learning in an online community. In my social network, I look forward to becoming a producer and not a lurker. This class has given me the confidence to build a social presence and administrate the sharing of knowledge in online communities. Thanks, everyone for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on the Exploration Web 2.0 BlogSpot. It has been a quality learning experience that ...